2014年8月1日 星期五

柏克萊的言論自由運動(1) (Free Speech Movement in Berkeley (1))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國校園(American Colleges)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

今年臺灣有太陽花學運爭取公民發聲的權利, 50年前美國加州柏克萊也有學運, 是在美國極度恐慌共產主義的年代爭取言論與學術自由, 凱特老師要為我們回顧這一段歷史, 讓我們知道即使是在民權進步的美國, 民主與自由也不是理所當然, 白白得到的.


Usually when people hear the words “Berkeley, California,” people immediately think of the city’s social political history and its strong identification with a more liberal way of thinking. Berkeley has been a very important site of fast social change that has inspired similar protests and uprisings in other university cities throughout the United States. During the 1960s the city of Berkeley and the University of California, Berkeley became highly involved in the Civil Rights Movement. During the academic year 1964-1965 Berkeley was home to one of the fastest sweeping social movements of its time. 
通常當人們聽見加州柏克萊, 人們會立刻想到城市的社會政治運動歷史還有它對自由思想的認同. 柏克萊是一個快速社會變遷下非常重要的地點, 它啟發了美國各地大學城類似的抗議與抗爭. 60 年代, 柏克萊市與加州大學開始高度參與公民權運動. 19641965學年的時候, 柏克萊是當時風行草偃的社會運動的故鄉

The university had placed a ban on the publication of political literature and conversation on campus and many students reacted by protesting and standing together against the administration’s strict new rule. For the first time, students were demanding that the University allow them their natural right to free speech and academic freedom. Politically-active students set up booths around the campus to spread the news of progress being made in the Civil Rights Movement throughout the country. The Dean of University of California, Berkeley took a strong stance against this access to political information on school property and proclaimed that the new ban on published political commentary or literature would be “strictly enforced.”
學校當局必須頒布一項禁令,禁止 校園裡政治寫作的刊登和討論, 許多學生以站出來抗議校方的新規定來反應. 這是第一次學生要求學校准許他們行使言論自由與學術自由的自然權利. 政治上活躍的學生在校園裡搭起了棚子去傳播國內各地關於公民權運動進展的新聞. 加州大學柏克萊分校的校長採取一個強硬的立場反對在學校的財產上接觸到政治的訊息, 並宣稱關於政治言論或寫作的新禁令會被嚴格執行.

To Be Continued 待續

