2014年8月24日 星期日

加州最棒的公路旅遊路線(1)(Best Road Trips in California (1))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

凱特老師最近又完成了ㄧ次從舊金山(San francisc)到波特蘭(Portland)的公路旅遊(road trip). 公路旅遊一向是美國人喜愛的活動, 特別是在氣候良好又幅員廣闊的加州, 沿著山和海的交界前進, 是非常迷人的旅程. 蘿蔔哥真希望有一天也能到這些地方旅遊.


California has just about every type of landscape you could imagine. Here, you can find mountains, beaches, deserts, cities, rainforests, and huge forests. California is widely thought of as having one of the most picturesque coastlines in the world. White sandy beaches and dramatic landscapes line California’s coast from the tip of its shared border with Oregon all the way down to San Diego and the border with Mexico. I’ve enjoyed driving along the entire coast of California and many parts inland California and I want to share with you my two favorite road trips I’ve gotten to experience here in the beautiful Golden State! 

加州幾乎有你所能想像的各種景色. 這裡你可找到山, 海灘, 沙漠, 城市, 雨林, 和大片森林. 加州被廣泛地認為有世界上最美麗如畫的海岸線之一.  白沙海灘和引人入勝的風景, 加州的海岸線沿著與奧勒崗州交界的頂端直到與墨西哥交界的聖地牙哥. 我曾經享受過在整個加州海岸線和許多內陸路段開車, 而我想要和你分享在這美麗的黃金州我所經歷過最愛的兩條公路旅遊路線.

To Be Continued 待續

