2014年8月16日 星期六

芙拉老師的塞浦路斯遊記(2)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Cyprus (2))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)

Our first stop was my aunt's house--situated in the heart of Larnaca (one of the four main cities
in Cyprus). There we were shown to our room and given an adequate amount of time to rest.
Our first day consisted of many introductions between my boyfriend and my many relatives. And
while meeting them was quite exciting, it also proved to be a grueling task of trying to recall just
how many Mina's there were and which was which (in Greek culture, it is tradition to name your
children after your parents, and since my grandfather is named Mina, I have three cousins with
that name). But, confusion aside, we managed to get along very well.

我們的第一站是我阿姨的家- 位在拉納卡的中心(拉納卡是塞浦路斯四個主要城市的一個). 那裡我們被領到我們的房間並且得到時間充分的休息. 我們的第一天都是在介紹我的男朋友和我的許多親戚認識. 遇見他們很興奮, 也證明試著去記有幾個Mina還有哪一個是哪一個, 是一件很勞累的任務 (在希臘文化裡,用父母的名字為孩子命名是一種傳統, 而因為我的祖父叫Mina, 我有三個表兄弟叫這個名字.) 但是除了有點困惑, 我們總相處得很好.

That same day, my aunt and uncle took us to visit my grandparents in the village of Alethriko (located in Larnaca). The drive there took approximately half an hour and consisted of picturesque views of the mountains and hills along the countryside.

同一天,我阿姨和我姨丈帶我們去Alethriko(也在拉納卡)拜訪我的外祖父母. 我們大約開車開了半個小時,沿途滿是如圖畫般美麗的鄉間山丘.

To Be Continued 待續

