2014年8月17日 星期日

芙拉老師的塞浦路斯遊記(3)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Cyprus (3))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)
Fountain at Finikoudes
The following day, we spent at Finikoudes (Palm trees) beach in Larnaca-- only a twenty minute walk from my aunts house. There we soaked in the sun, sand and sea, walked along the marina, and enjoyed a refreshing drink at one of the many beachside cafés. Once the sun had set, we journeyed back to my aunt's house where we dined on traditional Greek dishes of bulgar pilaf, with a side of Greek salad. My aunt's cooking was superb and my boyfriend could not have enjoyed it more.

Finikoudes Beach at Night
接下來的一天, 我們在拉納卡的Finikoudes(棕梠樹)海灘度過- 從我阿姨家走路只有二十分鐘遠. 那裡我們沉浸在陽光, 沙還有海, 沿著碼頭走, 在其中一家海岸咖啡館享受清涼飲料. 當太陽西下, 我們走回我阿姨的房子, 我們吃了ㄧ頓傳統的希臘菜, bulgar小麥飯搭配希臘沙拉. 我阿姨的廚藝是一流的, 我的男朋友大大的享受一番.

Latchi Beach
The following two days were a bit different. When booking our trip, we had decided that it would be exciting to explore different regions of Cyprus. While conducting some research, we came across the village of Lachi (located approximately ten miles from the city of Paphos). The village looked both beautiful and secluded, so, we decided to stay there for two nights. We booked a room at a wonderful resort called Zening, and rented a car to travel there. After overcoming a few challenges on the way, we arrived to our destination. Both the area and the resort were breathtaking. From our room with its beachfront view, to the incredible dishes served for both breakfast and dinner, to the serenity created by the technology free, natural environment--the entire place was a small slice of heaven.

接下來的兩天有一點不一樣. 當我們敲定我們的旅程時, 我們決定那會很令人興奮如果能夠探索塞浦路斯不同的地方. 當我們做研究的時候, 我們碰巧發現了這個叫Lachi的村莊(位在距城市Paphos約十哩遠). 這個村莊看起來美麗而且僻靜,所以我們決定要住在那兒兩個晚上. 我們在一個叫做Zening的渡假村訂了ㄧ個房間, 我們租了車開過去. 在克服路上的一些挑戰後, 我們抵達了我們的目的地. 這個地方和渡假村真是教人感動. 從我們有海景的房間到棒極了的早餐和晚餐, 到無科技而完全由自然所創造的風和日麗 這整個地方就是一個小天堂.
To Be Continued 待續

