2014年8月18日 星期一

芙拉老師的塞浦路斯遊記(4)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Cyprus (4))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)

Our first day there was spent on the beach--only a five minute walk from the resort. There we enjoyed a relaxing day under the sun, and with few other people around, we were able to fully appreciate the majestic sound of each wave hitting against the rocks. The following day, we ventured out to the Akamas Peninsula, where we visited The Baths of Aphrodite, a location that in accordance with mythology, Aphrodite would frequently bathe in and also meet with her lover, Adonis. We then visited another beach in the area, and ended the day with some poolside stargazing back at the resort.

The Baths of Aphrodite
在那裡的第一天我們待在海灘從渡假村走路過去只有五分鐘的距離. 我們在陽光下享受了輕鬆的一天, 那裡人不多, 所以我們得以欣賞波浪拍打岩石的雄壯聲音. 接下來的一天, 我們往Akamas半島去探險, 那裡我們拜訪了阿芙羅黛蒂的浴室, 一個與神話故事有關聯的地方. 阿芙羅黛蒂經常在這裡沐浴並且遇到了她的愛人阿多尼斯. 接著我們拜訪了那裡的另一個海灘, 又在渡假村的游泳池畔看星星結束了這一天.

The following day, we returned to my grandmother's village, where my family gathered each Sunday for some good food and great company. There were many different traditional dishes served on that day, but my boyfriend's favorite would have to be the pastitsio (made up of three layers: cream, macaroni, and meat). That day we left somewhat early in order to go back to my aunt's house and pack for our trip to Greece.

接下來的一天, 我們回到我外婆的村莊, 在那裏我的家人每個星期天聚集在一起享受美食與同在. 那一天有許多的傳統菜餚, 但是我男朋友的最愛是 pastitsio (做成三層:奶油,通心粉,還有肉). 那一天我們離開得有些早, 要回到我阿姨家去為希臘的旅程打包.

We later returned to Cyprus for three more days before we began our journey back home. Although our time there was short, we managed to take in the immense beauty and spirit of my family's homeland.

我們後來又回到塞浦路斯, 在我們開始回程之前待了3. 雖然我們的時間很短, 我們依然能體會我家人的故鄉的美麗與精神.

The End ()

