作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)
a long journey to Poland and an even longer journey to Cyprus, the plane ride
to Greece felt far more relaxing and enjoyable. We departed from the
International Airport of Larnaca at 1pm and arrived in Athens, Greece at
2:45pm. Besides being short, the trip offered amazing views of Cyprus, Greece,
and the surrounding islands from above. Once we received our baggage, we were
cheerfully greeted by my cousin Mirto, my cousin Panayioti , and his fiancé Maria.
Panayioti and Maria had been vacationing in Greece and were leaving the same
time we were arriving. Although we were sad to see them go, it was nice to
spend a few minutes together.
在一個長旅程到了波蘭和一個更長的旅程到了塞浦路斯, 這趟到希臘的飛航讓人覺得更輕鬆與享受. 我們下午1點自Larnaca的國際機場離開到達希臘雅典是2點45分. 除了時間短以外, 這趟飛機旅程提供了居高臨下的視野欣賞塞浦路斯, 希臘, 和附近的島嶼. 當我們領到了我們的行李, 我的表姊Mirto和表哥Panayioti和他的未婚妻Maria歡喜地迎接我們. Panayioti和Maria之前在希臘渡假, 正要在我們到達後離開. 雖然我們看到他們離開很難過, 但是可以在一起幾分鐘還是很不錯.
To Be Continued 待續…