2014年8月29日 星期五

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(2)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (2))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

View from the Balcony
Outside the airport, my uncle had been waiting to take us back to his home. He lived in Markopoulos, a village in Athens. His apartment was on the sixth floor and the view from his balcony was spectacular. Our first night there, my uncle took us to see his garden, which consisted of various fruits and vegetables. We later had a drink at a seaside cafe, where we continued to bask in the beauty of our surroundings.
機場外面, 我的舅舅已經等著要帶我們回他的家了. 他住在Markopoulos, 一個雅典的村莊. 他的公寓在六樓, 從陽台看出去風景很壯觀. 我們那裏的第一個晚上, 我的舅舅帶我們去看他得花園, 有許多不同的水果和蔬菜. 我們稍後在海邊咖啡屋喝了飲料, 那裡我們繼續舒適地享受週遭的美麗

Nafplio from the fortress of Palamidi
The following day, we woke up early to travel to the seaport town of Nafplio. There were spent time on the beach, explored the fortress of Palamidi, walked along the port, and enjoyed some of the traditional Greek cuisine.

接下來的一天, 我們起得早去海港城市Nafplio旅遊. 我們在那裡的海灘消磨時光, 探索了Palamidi的堡壘, 沿著港走, 又享受了傳統的希臘美食.

To Be Continued 待續

