2014年8月15日 星期五

芙拉老師的塞浦路斯遊記(1)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Cyprus (1))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)

芙拉老師是塞浦路斯裔的美國人, 她小時候曾經在塞浦路斯生活一段時間而又回到了美國, 今年夏天芙拉老師帶著她的男朋友造訪這個她父母親的故鄉. 應蘿蔔哥的邀請, 芙拉老師為讀者們寫下了她的塞浦路斯遊記. 這篇文章不止讓我們讀英文,也讓我們一同遊歷這個歐洲島國. 蘿蔔哥希望台灣人可以在深耕本土的同時也能夠放眼世界, 做一個世界人.


Wednesday, July 23rd, 2:55am-- the time my boyfriend and I arrived at the International Airport of Larnaca, Cyprus. After a long and arduous journey that, among other things, consisted of a nine hour layover in Poland, we were happy to have arrived to our destination. Upon receiving our baggage we were greeted with hugs and kisses by my aunt and cousin. It had been a little over three years since my last visit, but somehow it felt as though I had never left.

723日星期三, 凌晨兩點五十五分, 我和我的男朋友到達了塞浦路斯的拉納卡國際機場. 經過一段長而艱辛的旅程, 除此之外還包含在波蘭9小時的轉機停留, 我們很高興到了目的地. 拿到我們的行李之後, 我們被我的阿姨和表弟用擁抱和親吻來迎接. 自從我上次來訪已經超過3年了, 但我總覺得好像從沒離開過.

From the very moment we exited the airport everything felt familiar--the air, with its scent of freshly bloomed jasmine, the comparatively miniature sized buildings and lengthy palm trees, and the people-- in their more relaxed and less burdened state. It all seemed to have been frozen in expectance of my eventual return.

從我們離開機場起, 一切都覺得熟悉 這空氣, 帶著茉莉花初開的香氣, 相對來說縮小的房子和長長的棕梠樹, 還有人 在他們最輕鬆和較少壓力的狀況. 這一切看起來都冰凍在預期我的回來.

To Be Continued 待續

