2014年8月25日 星期一

加州最棒的公路旅遊路線(2)(Best Road Trips in California (2))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

Monterey / Big Sur / Pacific Coast Highway 

Just down the coast from here in San Francisco is one of most beautiful coastal routes I’ve ever driven down. Starting at the incredibly charming town of Monterey, California all the way down to just above San Simeon, this 90 mile stretch of Central California coastline is stunning because the Santa Lucia Mountains look like they rise straight out of the Pacific Ocean and the road follows the winds and turns of where the ocean and the mountains meet. The name “Big Sur” comes from Spanish “el sur grande” which means “the big south” or really “the big country of the south.” The name refers to Big Sur’s geographic positioning south of Monterey. Monterey is great to spend some time in and see the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium and walk along the historic Cannery Row. Monterey’s Cannery Row is the waterfront street where abandoned sardine canning factories have been turned into shops, restaurants and local crafts stores. This drive along California’s Highway 1 will also bring you through California Redwood groves and right to the end of where land meets sea! I’d definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to see why people love California so much!

從舊金山這裡下面的海岸開始是我所開過最美麗的海岸路線之一. 從極迷人的Monterey鎮開始一路下到San Simeon上面一點, 90哩綿延的加州中部海岸線極為漂亮因為Santa Lucia山看起來像從太平洋直直的高起, 而道路沿著海與山的交界蜿蜒. “Big Sur”一詞來自西班牙語”el sur grande”, 意思是大南方或事實上大南部地區”. 這名字是指Big Sur地理上位在Monterey的南方. Monterey是非常值得花點時間的, 去看世界聞名的Monterey Bay水族館和走在歷史的Cannery Row. Monterey Cannery Row是一條濱海的街道, 廢棄的沙丁魚罐頭工廠已經被改成了商店, 餐廳和當地藝品店. 這樣沿著加州1號高速公路開, 也會帶你穿越加州的紅木樹林而且直到路地遇見海! 我絕對推薦它給任何想要知道為什麼大家這麼喜歡加州的人.

To Be Continued 待續

