2014年8月30日 星期六

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(3)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (3))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

The Acropolis
On our third day, we decided to visit The Acropolis ( you cannot go to Athens without visiting the Acropolis). The Acropolis, whose name is derived from the words akron meaning edge, and polis, meaning city) is a source of great pride to all Greeks. Both historically as well as architecturally, The Acroplis has served as a monument of a once great empire. Although I did not get the chance to journey up the hill to get a closer look, I was able to explore the Acropolis museum which, among other things, is home to many artifacts taken from the Parthenon (the temple made in honor of the goddess Athena).

The Acropolis Museum
第三天, 我們決定去參訪衛城( 你不能去雅典卻沒去參觀衛城). Acropolis(衛城), 它的名字來自這個字akron, 意思是邊緣, 和這個字polis, 意思是城市, 它是所有希臘人的驕傲. 不僅是歷史上也是建築學上, 衛城已經被當作一個偉大帝國的紀念碑. 雖然我沒有機會登上山丘去近看, 我卻探索了衛城博物館, 除了其他東西, 是許多從帕德嫩神廟拿來的藝術品的家(這神廟被建來榮耀雅典娜女神).

To Be Continued 待續

