2014年8月2日 星期六

柏克萊的言論自由運動(2) (Free Speech Movement in Berkeley (2))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國校園(American Colleges)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)
Tensions were extremely high between on-campus police officers and politically-active students. On one occasion, a graduate student was asked to show his identification to an officer and upon refusing to show him his license, the student was arrested and thrown in the back of a police car near campus. Within minutes hundreds of fellow student supporters surrounded the police car, making it impossible to bring the student to the police station. It is reported that a total of over 3,000 students stood around the car, keeping it from driving not even an inch for over 32 hours.

校園裡的警察和政治活躍學生的關係非常緊張. 在一個場合,一個研究生被一個警察要求出示他的身分證件,當他拒絕出示他的身分證件, 這學 生被逮捕並被丟到校園附近一輛警車的後座. 幾分鐘內幾百個學生支持者包圍了警車,使它無法帶學生去警察局. 據報導有超過3千個學生包圍那輛車,使它32小時內無法開1.

Similar student protests took place on campus in the form of a sit-in at the main administrative University building. The University involved local police and had over 800 students arrested, which only resulted in wider, stronger and more passionate student protests. At one point the University came even close to shutting down because the student protests were taking up so much time and attention that the regular business of running a university could not be done. 

類似的學生抗議在校園主要行政大樓以靜坐的方式發生. 學校動用當地警察使800名學生被逮捕, 只造成更廣泛,更強烈, 更激情的學生抗議. 到了ㄧ個時候學校幾乎要關門, 因為學生抗議佔去許多時間與關注使學校無法正常運作.

To Be Continued 待續

