2014年8月26日 星期二

加州最棒的公路旅遊路線(3)(Best Road Trips in California (3))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

Napa / Sonoma / Wine Country
Any wine lover knows that California wines can compete very well with the greatest French and Italian wines! Driving through the Napa Valley and Sonoma regions of northern California was one of the best mother-daughter road trips I’ve ever done. Just about a year ago, my mother and I took a week to hang out and explore California’s wine country and I’m so glad we took our time visiting each small wine village and tasting local delicious wine and open wineries. Napa Valley is widely considered one of the premier wine regions in the world and the area attracts both wine lovers as well as people who just enjoy beautiful scenery and gazing out onto rolling hills with perfect sunsets as a backdrop! The area is most well-known for producing Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc. There are over 300 wineries in the region and many of them are open almost year round and offer tours and tastings of their finest wines. 

任何喜愛葡萄酒的人知道, 加州的葡萄酒足已與最棒的法國和義大利葡萄酒相比! 開經過北加州Napa山谷和Sonoma地區我最棒的母與女公路旅遊經驗之一. 就在一年以前, 我母親和我花了ㄧ個禮拜的時間一起探索加州的葡萄酒鄉村, 我很高興我們參觀每一個小葡萄酒莊和品嚐當地美味的葡萄酒. Napa山谷被廣泛的認為是世界上頂尖的 葡萄酒產地, 吸引著葡萄酒愛好者和喜歡漂亮風景, 凝望起伏的山丘又以完美的日落當背景! 這個地方最富盛名的是生產Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Chardonnay Sauvignon blanc. 這個地區有超過300個酒莊, 其中許多幾乎一整年都營業, 提供參觀與品嚐它們最好的葡萄酒.

To Be Continued 待續

