2014年8月9日 星期六

英語的起源 (2) (The Origins of The English Language (2))

作者(Author): 莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)
文章分類(Category): 文學與歷史(Literature & History)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)

The language changed again in the 10th and 11th centuries with the invasion of Norse colonizers in Northeast England. Even though the colonizers brought Old Norse with them to the region, this actually simplified the language. Also Old Norse is North Germanic while English at the time was West Germanic so the two languages were fairly similar. In 1066, the Norman Conquest led by Norman, Breton, and French soldiers brought Old Norman, or Old Northern French, to England. This contributed to Anglo-Norman, which was spoken by kings and high-ranking nobles, while English was spoken by commoners. Merchants and low-ranking officials spoke both. It is during this period that French gained its reputation as a language of prestige.

1011世紀, 這語言又再次因著古北歐殖民者入侵英格蘭東北部而改變. 雖然殖民者為這個地區帶來了古北歐話, 卻簡化了這裡的語言. 而且古北歐話是北日耳曼語而英語在當時是西日耳曼語, 所以兩種語言其實十分相近. 西元1066, 由諾曼和不列塔尼所帶領的諾曼征服, 法國士兵帶著古諾曼語或古北方法語到英格蘭. 這就促成了盎格魯-諾曼, 是國王與高級貴族所說的, 而英語是平民說的. 商人和低階的官員兩者都說. 就是在這個時期法語贏得它優越的名聲.

To Be Continued 待續

