2014年8月31日 星期日

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(4)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (4))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

The day we spent at The Acropolis served as a journey back in time; a means of rediscovering the glory and magnitude of the Greek empire, and the pride of being associate with such. After having left, I felt I should have taken the time to make the journey up the hill and get a closer look at The Parthenon, however, I can always go back and redeem that unique opportunity. Our final day in Greece was spent relaxing with family. Although our time there was not long enough to see all the sights and enjoy all the beauty, we were more than happy and honored to have seen such a historically significant land.

我們花在衛城的這一天被當作一個回到過去時光的旅程; 一個方法去重新發現希臘帝國的光榮與偉大, 和一種與它有關聯的驕傲. 當我們離開了以後, 我覺得我應該要用點時間登上山丘去近看帕德嫩神廟,然而,我總是能再回去挽回那特別的機會. 我們在希臘的最後一天是與家人一起輕鬆度過的. 雖然我們在那兒的時間不夠長,使我能看見所有的景色和享受所有的美麗, 我們十分開心和感到光榮能夠看見歷史上這麼重要的地方.

The End ()

2014年8月30日 星期六

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(3)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (3))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

The Acropolis
On our third day, we decided to visit The Acropolis ( you cannot go to Athens without visiting the Acropolis). The Acropolis, whose name is derived from the words akron meaning edge, and polis, meaning city) is a source of great pride to all Greeks. Both historically as well as architecturally, The Acroplis has served as a monument of a once great empire. Although I did not get the chance to journey up the hill to get a closer look, I was able to explore the Acropolis museum which, among other things, is home to many artifacts taken from the Parthenon (the temple made in honor of the goddess Athena).

The Acropolis Museum
第三天, 我們決定去參訪衛城( 你不能去雅典卻沒去參觀衛城). Acropolis(衛城), 它的名字來自這個字akron, 意思是邊緣, 和這個字polis, 意思是城市, 它是所有希臘人的驕傲. 不僅是歷史上也是建築學上, 衛城已經被當作一個偉大帝國的紀念碑. 雖然我沒有機會登上山丘去近看, 我卻探索了衛城博物館, 除了其他東西, 是許多從帕德嫩神廟拿來的藝術品的家(這神廟被建來榮耀雅典娜女神).

To Be Continued 待續

2014年8月29日 星期五

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(2)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (2))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

View from the Balcony
Outside the airport, my uncle had been waiting to take us back to his home. He lived in Markopoulos, a village in Athens. His apartment was on the sixth floor and the view from his balcony was spectacular. Our first night there, my uncle took us to see his garden, which consisted of various fruits and vegetables. We later had a drink at a seaside cafe, where we continued to bask in the beauty of our surroundings.
機場外面, 我的舅舅已經等著要帶我們回他的家了. 他住在Markopoulos, 一個雅典的村莊. 他的公寓在六樓, 從陽台看出去風景很壯觀. 我們那裏的第一個晚上, 我的舅舅帶我們去看他得花園, 有許多不同的水果和蔬菜. 我們稍後在海邊咖啡屋喝了飲料, 那裡我們繼續舒適地享受週遭的美麗

Nafplio from the fortress of Palamidi
The following day, we woke up early to travel to the seaport town of Nafplio. There were spent time on the beach, explored the fortress of Palamidi, walked along the port, and enjoyed some of the traditional Greek cuisine.

接下來的一天, 我們起得早去海港城市Nafplio旅遊. 我們在那裡的海灘消磨時光, 探索了Palamidi的堡壘, 沿著港走, 又享受了傳統的希臘美食.

To Be Continued 待續

2014年8月28日 星期四

芙拉老師的希臘遊記(1)(Miss Voula’s Trip to Greece (1))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

上ㄧ次芙拉老師的塞浦路斯的返鄉之旅中包含了ㄧ段希臘的旅程. 讓我們也一同遊歷這個影響歐洲文化很深的古國.


After a long journey to Poland and an even longer journey to Cyprus, the plane ride to Greece felt far more relaxing and enjoyable. We departed from the International Airport of Larnaca at 1pm and arrived in Athens, Greece at 2:45pm. Besides being short, the trip offered amazing views of Cyprus, Greece, and the surrounding islands from above. Once we received our baggage, we were cheerfully greeted by my cousin Mirto, my cousin Panayioti , and his fiancé Maria. Panayioti and Maria had been vacationing in Greece and were leaving the same time we were arriving. Although we were sad to see them go, it was nice to spend a few minutes together.

在一個長旅程到了波蘭和一個更長的旅程到了塞浦路斯, 這趟到希臘的飛航讓人覺得更輕鬆與享受. 我們下午1點自Larnaca的國際機場離開到達希臘雅典是245. 除了時間短以外, 這趟飛機旅程提供了居高臨下的視野欣賞塞浦路斯, 希臘, 和附近的島嶼. 當我們領到了我們的行李, 我的表姊Mirto和表哥Panayioti和他的未婚妻Maria歡喜地迎接我們. PanayiotiMaria之前在希臘渡假, 正要在我們到達後離開. 雖然我們看到他們離開很難過, 是可以在一起幾分鐘還是很不錯.

To Be Continued 待續