美國生活(American Life)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)
again! Happy to be writing you all again from sunny and yummy Berkeley,
California. I say “yummy” because Berkeley is well-known in the Bay Area for hosting
some really delicious places to eat. The city of Berkeley is made up of a
number of different ethnic backgrounds and so the variety of food choices here
is a lot. The Bay Area in general is famous for its authentic Asian food and
Berkeley boasts even great Italian, Mexican, Indian and American restaurants.
San Francisco especially has one of the most famous Chinatowns in the world.
Just over the bridge here in Berkeley you can find every type of quality food
at good, affordable prices. Since my time here so far, I’ve heard from the
locals where to find the best food Berkeley has to offer and I’ve gone about
the city to test some of them out. Here is a short list of my personal
favorites I’ve gotten to eat at since arriving here a few months ago:
Hello, again! 很高興再次從陽光普照又可口的加州柏克萊寫給你們.我說”可口”是因為柏克萊在灣區是以擁有許多美食店著名的.柏克萊市是由不同族裔背景組成的,所以食物的選擇很多元.灣區整體來說是以道地的亞洲食物聞名,而柏克萊則更以有義大利,墨西哥,印度與美式餐廳而自豪. 舊金山特別有一個聞名世界的中國城. 就在橋的另一頭,柏克萊這裡,你可以找到許多樣品質好卻平價的食物.自從我來到這兒,我聽當地人說哪裡可以找到柏克萊最好的食物,我也已經去嚐過其中的一些.這裡有一個名單,是自從幾個月前我到這兒來,所吃過的裡面我的最愛:
Panisse – This Berkeley restaurant is not only delicious but also extremely
well-known for using high-quality local organic foods and for its famous chef,
Alice Waters. It is credited with having influenced the beginning of
Californian Cuisine. This type of cuisine features a fusion of foods from
France, Italy, Mexico, China and Japan and local California-grown ingredients.
Chez Panisse was named the Best Restaurant in America in 2001 by Gourmet magazine!
I’ve been there once and although the prices are a bit on the high side, you
definitely get your money’s worth. Never had I tasted fresher ingredients for a
lunch before! It is situated in the cozy Gourmet Ghetto of Berkeley. This part
of the city is incredibly charming with tree-lined sidewalks and fresh flowers along
the streets.
1.Chez Panisse – 這家柏克萊的餐廳不僅東西好吃也因為使用當地高品質有機食物和它的主廚Alice Waters而知名.
這餐廳被認為對加州料理的開始有影響. 這種形態的料理以融合法國,義大利,墨西哥,中國及日本食物還有加州當地所產食材為特點.Chez
雜誌稱為美國最棒餐廳!我去過一次,雖然價格有點高,但絕對是值的. 我從前不曾吃過素材這麼新鮮的午餐. 這餐廳位於愜意的柏克萊美食街. 城市的這個部份十分迷人,因著有樹的人行道和沿街的新鮮花朵.
To Be Continued 待續…