2014年7月14日 星期一

凱特老師自我介紹(中)(Miss Kate’s Self-introduction (2))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國校園(American Colleges)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)

The Bay Area includes San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, San Jose and Palo Alto. San Francisco is full of so many exciting things to do. The city is full of amazing museums, music venues, charming neighborhoods and large parks. There are many students in the area too. Berkeley alone has almost 36,000 students attending!

灣區包括舊金山,柏克萊,奧克蘭,聖荷西,及帕羅奧圖. 舊金山滿了許多有趣的事情可以去做.這個城市充滿了令人驚奇的博物館,聽音樂的地方,迷人的街坊和大型公園. 這裡也有許多學生,單單柏克萊就有36千個學生!

The other universities in the area include Stanford University in Palo Alto, San Francisco State University, University of San Francisco and California State University, East Bay. There are large academic and intellectual communities here in this part of California and the weather is always sunny and perfect so it's very hard to complain about life!

這裡還有位在帕羅奧圖的史丹佛大學, 舊金山州立大學, 舊金山大學, 東灣加州州立大學. 在加州的這個部分,有許多大型的學術機構形成的生活圈. 總是陽光普照的天氣教人無法抱怨這裡的生活!

Stanford University

To Be Continued 待續

