作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)
following year, my father decided it would be in our best interest to
assimilate even further within the Greek culture. He believed the most
effective way to do this was through education. And so, that September, amid
scornful protest, my sister and I were enrolled in the local Greek elementary
school. And that was when I began to realize that life in Cyprus was far more different
than I had originally thought it to be. From the uniform to the overall
mentality of my peers and teachers, I felt isolated and detached. I began to
resent school and my father for having taken me there. It was during this time,
when all seemed to be conspiring against me in some tragic way--this was when I
discovered language.
接下來一年,我父親決定為了我好要我進一步融入希臘的文化.他相信最有效的方法就是透過教育.那年九月,在嘲諷的抗議聲中,我父親將我妹妹和我轉去了當地說希臘文的小學.就是那個時候我開始明白塞浦路斯的生活和我原來想的是遠遠的不同. 從學校的制服到老師與同儕的整體思想觀念,我感到孤立與疏離. 我開始討厭學校和父親因為他送我去那裡.就在此時,當所有的一切都串通好來整我, 我發現了- 語言.
To Be Continued 待續…