2014年7月24日 星期四

芙拉老師的自我介紹(五)(Miss Voula’s Self-introduction (5))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)

Since moving to New York City and receiving my degree in English Education, I have, and will continue to strive to awaken the love for language in others.Whether it be written, spoken, or leaped off a page and transformed into shapes and colors, language is one of my greatest passions, and what I desire to share with the world. It is my belief that words should be viewed as bridges rather than barriers-- ones that serve to unite us in our experiences, our dreams, our goals--our lives.

自從搬到紐約市並取得英語教育學位,我必須也將繼續竭力喚醒人們心中對語言的愛. 無論是寫,是說,或是跳出頁面變成圖像或色彩,語言是我最大的熱誠之一,是我渴望與世界分享的.我相信文字應該被視為橋樑更甚於阻隔幫助我們聯合在經驗,夢想,目標生命裡

The End (完)

