2014年7月13日 星期日

凱特老師自我介紹(上)(Miss Kate’s Self-introduction (1))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 美國校園(American Colleges)
程度(Level): 中級(intermediate)

凱特老師向讀者自我介紹,並為大家簡介他現在所就讀的加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California, Berkeley)及北加州(Northern California)舊金山灣區(San Francisco Bay Area).

Hi There! My name is Kate and I live in sunny Berkeley, California. Robert and I have known each other for a year and a half doing English lessons. I'm very happy to be a part of his blog and share my experiences with you all. As Robert wrote in his article, I was born in New Hampshire and have lived in Maine, Florida, New York, Rome, Italy and Florence, Italy before coming out to California. I have just started a PhD program at the University of California, Berkeley in Italian Studies. 

大家好! 我叫凱特.我住在陽光普照的加州柏克萊.蘿蔔哥認識我並向我學習英文一年半了.我很高興能夠參與他的部落格並且與你們大家分享我的經驗.如蘿蔔哥在他的文章裡寫的,我生在新罕布夏州, 在來到加州以前,曾經住過緬因州, 佛羅里達州,紐約,還有義大利的羅馬與佛羅倫斯.我正開始攻讀加州大學柏克萊分校的義大利文博士課程.

UC Berkeley Campus
You might be thinking, "What would someone do with that degree?" I hope to teach Italian culture and literature courses at the college level by the time I'm done with my program. Berkeley has an outstanding Italian department and the setting in the beautiful Bay Area makes living here all the more exciting! Over the summer, I am taking an intensive Latin course which will help me so much with Italian literature since Italian is a language that was born from Latin back in the 13th Century. It has been nice getting familiar with the campus and the Bay Area before I start the Italian program in the fall.

你也許正在想,怎麼有人要讀那種學位呢?因為當我取得博士學位後, 我希望能夠在大學裡指導義大利文化與文學課程. 柏克萊有一個非常棒的義大利文系所.還有這美麗的灣區環境使居住在這裡更加令人興奮. 暑假期間,我正在上ㄧ門緊湊的拉丁文課,這對我的義大利文會有很大的幫助,因為義大利文是十三世紀時自拉丁文產生的. 能夠在秋天開始我的課程以前熟悉校園還有灣區真的是很好.

To Be Continued 待續

