作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)
the age of nine, I was both fascinated and excited to be part of such a
significant transition. Cyprus was majestic, and the idea of getting to know my
many cousins who lived there, brought me great delight. Little did I know that
the excitement would be short lived.
first year went by smoothly. My father had enrolled my younger sister and me in
an Americanized school called American Academy. There I adjusted very well. The
majority of my classes were in English, with the exception of the language
class which was in Greek. I enjoyed school and had made friends who reminded me
of the ones I had left behind in the States (since they too were of a similar background
to my own).
was going well--the climate was far more pleasant sans the harsh winters of
Upstate New York, I was given the opportunity to become acquainted with family
I had only known through pictures and the occasional phone call, and I had a slice
of home in my school. But as most things in life, this too would change.
To Be Continued 待續…