2014年7月21日 星期一

芙拉老師的自我介紹(二)(Miss Voula’s Self-introduction (2))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)

At the age of nine, I was both fascinated and excited to be part of such a significant transition. Cyprus was majestic, and the idea of getting to know my many cousins who lived there, brought me great delight. Little did I know that the excitement would be short lived. 

九歲的時候,在這個重大的轉變中我感到著迷與興奮.塞浦路斯是憧憬的,想到能認識許多住在那的表兄弟姊妹讓我很高興. 但我卻不知道興奮的感覺是那麼的短暫.

The first year went by smoothly. My father had enrolled my younger sister and me in an Americanized school called American Academy. There I adjusted very well. The majority of my classes were in English, with the exception of the language class which was in Greek. I enjoyed school and had made friends who reminded me of the ones I had left behind in the States (since they too were of a similar background to my own). 

第一年過得很平順. 我的父親給我妹妹和我去一間叫美國學園的美式學校上學.在那裡我調整得很好.除了語言課是用希臘話,多數的課是用英文上的.我很喜歡上學,也交了許多朋友,(因為與我有相似的背景)他們使我想起我留在美國的朋友.

Everything was going well--the climate was far more pleasant sans the harsh winters of Upstate New York, I was given the opportunity to become acquainted with family I had only known through pictures and the occasional phone call, and I had a slice of home in my school. But as most things in life, this too would change.


To Be Continued 待續

