2014年7月23日 星期三

芙拉老師的自我介紹(四)(Miss Voula’s Self-introduction (4))

作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)

 The written word began to speak to me in an inexplicable yet cathartic manner. I began to find solace in the misadventures of tragic heroes such as Odysseus and Oedipus. And although the language itself (the works were written in modern and Ancient Greek) was challenging, the artful poetic nature of its construction, allowed me to envision each scene as if I too were standing right there. This soon led to a desire to create words and worlds of my own. I began to love writing more than ever before. In fact, I had fallen so deeply in love with it, that I could think of nothing better than to impart that feeling onto others. I realized that the complexities of language were also the beauty of it.

 文字開始用一種難以形容卻傾洩而出的方式向我說話.我開始從悲劇英雄像奧德修斯與伊底帕斯的不幸裡尋求安慰. 雖然這語言本身(作品有現代希臘文與古代希臘文寫法)很難,它藝術與詩歌性質的結構,讓我彷彿也身歷其境. 很快的這帶領我渴望創造文字和屬於我自己的世界.我開始愛上寫作勝過從前.  事實上我已經深愛上它,我想不到其他更好將感覺傳遞給他人的方式.我發現語言的複雜也是它的美.

To Be Continued 待續

