作者(Author): 芙拉老師(Miss Voula)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)
my name is Voula. I have known Robert for quite some time now, and feel it is
an honor to be a contributor in his blog. For the past thirteen years, I have
been a resident of New York City--here I have I graduated from high school,
earned my undergraduate degree in English Education, and this coming September,
it is here that I will begin my graduate studies in Adolescent Literacy.
我認識蘿蔔哥有好一陣子了也覺得很榮興能在他的部落格擔任投稿人. 在過去的13年裡我成了紐約市的居民.在這裡我從高中畢業,取得英語教育的大學學歷.還有在即將到來的9月,在這裡我要開始進行青少年讀寫能力方面的研究所學習.
have many passions in life, but my two greatest are my family and teaching. I
come from a large Greek family, with an abundance of aunts, uncles, and
cousins. My parents were born on the island of Cyprus. There, they were raised
in the open fields and fresh air. After they married, they decided to move to
the States, for a chance at a better life. It was in Upstate New York, my parents
first residence, that my sisters and I would be born. From there we would then
move to two different towns Upstate, and in 1996 would make our biggest move,
to my parents hometown of Larnaca, Cyprus.
我的父母生在塞浦路斯這島上.在空曠的田野與新鮮的空氣中被扶養長大. 他們結婚了以後,為了有機會過更美好的生活而決定搬到美國來.
我父母的第一個居所是在紐約上州,我的姊姊和我在那裡出生. 從那之後我們搬去上州的兩個不同城鎮,而在1996年,我們又有一個大搬家,搬去了我父母的故鄉,
To Be Continued 待續…