2014年7月31日 星期四

影評:馴龍高手2(下)(Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2))

作者(Author): 莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)
文章分類(Category): 電影育樂(Movie & Entertainment)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

How To Train Your Dragon 2 was very fun and I enjoyed it more than I expected. Without being familiar with the series, I knew the movie would be a mix of comedic characters and action sequences involving flying dragons and Viking combat. In this regard, the movie was very entertaining and I was not disappointed. But I was pleasantly surprised by the strong dramatic storyline about Hiccup’s relationship with his parents. Their complicated relationships were engaging and made me want to watch the first movie and any upcoming sequels. I highly recommend seeing How To Train Your Dragon 2 if you are interested in an adventure story with a lot of heart. 

馴龍高手2非常有趣,我喜歡它超過我所預期的. 在對這系列電影不熟的情況之下,我知道這部電影會是喜劇角色的組合還有許多關於飛龍與維京人戰鬥的動作鏡頭.在這件事上,這個電影是非常具有娛樂性的,我並不失望. 但是讓我感到驚喜的是關於小嗝嗝與他父母親之間關係的強烈戲劇性故事情節. 他們複雜的關係吸引我也使我想看第一集和任何續集. 如果你對情節豐富的冒險故事感興趣, 我高度推薦你們去看馴龍高手2.

The End ()

2014年7月30日 星期三

影評:馴龍高手2(上)(Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2 (1))

作者(Author): 莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)
文章分類(Category): 電影育樂(Movie & Entertainment)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

I recently saw the movie How To Train Your Dragon 2 with my two-year-old niece when I was visiting my sister and her family. Although I did not see the first movie which came out in 2010, I enjoyed the sequel very much. The main character in the series is a Viking boy named Hiccup, an introverted inventor, who is an outcast among the rest of the Vikings who prize bravery and physical strength. 

我最近和我的兩歲外甥女一起看了電影馴龍高手2,當我拜訪我姊姊和她的家庭的時候. 雖然我沒有看2010年上映的第一集,我非常喜歡這續集. 這個系列電影的主角是一個名叫小嗝嗝的維京男孩,一個內向的發明家,卻被其他重視勇氣和力量的維京人所逐出.

In the first movie, he convinces his community that dragons are gentle creatures capable of living with humans peacefully.  In the sequel, Hiccup and his dragon Toothless make two important discoveries while they are exploring. First, they discover an ice cave where hundreds of dragons live. Then, they discover Drago Bludvist’s plot to poach dragons in order to train them for his dragon army.  It is up to Hiccup and Toothless to stop Drago, not only to avoid warfare, but also to ensure that all dragons are free to live in peace. 

在第一集裡,他說服他的族人龍是溫馴的生物能夠和人和平共處. 在續集裡,小嗝嗝和他的龍沒牙在探險的時後有兩個重大的發現. 首先,他們發現一個冰洞,那裡住著幾百隻龍. 後來他們發現跩爺血手費斯的計謀要偷捕龍訓練成他的龍軍團. 現在全看小嗝嗝和沒牙去阻止跩爺血手費斯, 不但要避免戰爭,也要確保所有的龍都和平自由地生活.

To Be Continued 待續

2014年7月29日 星期二

美國高中的大學先修課程(Advanced Placement in the United States)

作者(Author): 蘿蔔哥(Robert Peng)
文章分類(Category): 美國生活(American Life)
程度(Level): 容易(Easy)

蘿蔔哥家裡有一個網路電視盒,可以收看一些臺灣的電視節目,最近看見臺灣推行十二年國教,為了教改的方向與升學的方式吵得很兇.傳統明星高中制度下的菁英教育方式也面臨挑戰.蘿蔔哥想把所見聞存在於美國高中教育的菁英教育(elite education)制度,也就是大學先修課程(Advanced Placement),簡稱AP,向各位報導,讓大家可以參考參考.

美國是實行十二年國教的國家,學生接受義務教育(compulsory education)12年級(twelfth grade).但由於美國是貧富差距大的資本主義社會,不同的社會階級(social class)其實有一道地理上有形的藩籬,所以基本上所住的學區(school district)會對接受怎樣的學校教育有很大的影響.所謂的好高中,要為資賦優異或努力學習的學生提供許多學業上的幫助或選擇,讓他們可以盡情發揮. 這就是大學先修課程制度的目的. 這些課程比較深比較難,學生若是能通過,不但對申請大學有幫助,也可以抵一些大學通識教育(general education requirement)學分(credit),替學生省一點學費(tuition).



1. 菁英教育elite education – elite colleges 頂尖大學
2. 大學先修課程 Advanced Placement - 簡稱APAP course, AP微積分是AP Calculus, AP 測驗是 AP exam, 每年五月舉行一次
3. 義務教育compulsory education – 義務役mandatory military service
4. 12年級 twelfth grade – 我讀二年級I am in (the) second grade.
5. 社會階級 social class – 通常可以這樣分, 有錢人the rich, 中產階級the middle class, 窮人the poor
6. 學區 school district – 學校體系school system
7. 大學通識教育 general education requirement – 口語簡稱 Gen eds
8. 學分 credit – 3學分的課 a 3 credit course
9.學費 tuition – 美國大學學費通常是一個學分一個學分算的, 除了tuition外還有各式各樣的費用(fee)

1. By 1900, thirty-two states had passed compulsory education laws.

2. AP credit used to satisfy General Education requirements is specified in the chart.
AP 學分用來滿足通識教育在表中詳細說明.