2014年9月15日 星期一

影評:No Good Deed (下)(Review: No Good Deed (3))

作者(Author): 莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)
文章分類(Category): 電影育樂(Movie & Entertainment)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate) 

The final twist to the movie is that Colin has actually targeted their family because his fiancee was having an affair with Terry’s husband Jeffrey while Colin was in prison. In fact, the golf trip was a lie and Jeffrey was having a romantic weekend with his mistress. Terry learns this and is finally able to call the police, trick Colin, and kill him. At the end of the movie, she has left her husband and went back to a successful career as a lawyer prosecuting criminals.
電影最後的轉折是Colin早已把他們一家當作目標, 因為他的未婚妻與Terry的丈夫有染, Colin在坐監的時候. 事實上, 高爾夫球之旅是個謊言, Jeffrey正和小三渡過一個浪漫的周末. Terry得知此事並終於能夠報警, 唬住Colin, 並殺了他. 在電影的最後, 她離開了她的丈夫並回去成為一位起訴罪犯的律師.
I saw this movie with my brother because we both like scary movies. My brother was also excited to see the actor Idris Elba play Colin. Overall this movie had more suspenseful moments than thrills so it is a good movie for someone that wants to be scared but does not like gore or lots of violence.
我和我的弟弟一起看這部電影, 因為我們都喜歡恐怖片. 我弟弟很興奮看到演員Idris Elba飾演Collin. 整體說來這部電影懸疑的情節多於驚悚. 這對想被嚇卻不喜歡血腥和一大堆暴力的觀眾來說是部好電影.

The End ()

