2014年9月17日 星期三

凱特老師的瘋狂歐洲旅遊(2)( Miss Kate’s Crazy Trip to Europe (2))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced) 

After arriving at the San Francisco airport, I realized one thing: I had to get to the East Coast before I could hop on a flight to Europe. Luckily the first leg of the journey, however, was the easiest. There were more than 10 options to either Boston, Newark, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. or New York. The San Francisco-Boston flight had me on the East Coast and ready for the next leg of spontaneous, unplanned travel. After realizing that more flights to Europe actually depart rather than from Newark than Boston, I hopped on a flight down to Newark and waited there for the majority of the day since it was still only about 8 AM and the Europe flights don’t depart until 4 PM or later. I enjoyed the day at the Newark Airport, eating airport food, lounging in the United Club area and eagerly looking forward to all the options that were in store for flying to Europe that night.

到達舊金山機場之後, 我明白了一件事: 我必須要先去東岸才能搭上去歐洲的飛機. 幸運的這第一段旅程是最容易的. 有超過10班飛機飛往波士頓, 紐華克, 費城, 華盛頓特區, 或紐約. 我搭上自舊金山飛往波士頓的飛機到了東岸, 準備第二段自發沒有計畫的旅程. 但在明白了相較於波士頓, 有更多往歐洲的飛機是從紐華克起飛的之後, 我跳上一班飛往紐華克的班機並在紐華克等了大半天, 因為當時是早上8點而到歐洲的航班是4點以後才起飛. 我享受了在紐華克機場的一天, 吃機場的食物, 泡在聯航的貴賓休息室, 還有急切地盼著當晚飛去歐洲的所有選項.

To Be Continued 待續

