2014年9月2日 星期二

我身體不舒服(2)(I Don’t Feel Well(2))

作者(Author): 蘿蔔哥(Robert Peng)
文章分類(Category): 美國生活(American Life)
程度(Level): 容易(Easy)

關於身體不舒服, 蘿蔔哥再給大家十個實用的例子:
1. 我生病了. I’m sick.

2. 我得流感了. I got the flu.

3. 我肚子痛(上吐下瀉那一種). I have a stomach bug. I have a stomach virus. 

4. 我胃痛. I have a stomachache.

5. 我得去廁所. I need to go to the bathroom. I need to use the bathroom.

6. 護士幫我量體溫. The nurse checks my temperature.
7. 醫生檢查病人 The doctor examines the patient.
8. 我吃成藥. I took an over-the-counter medicine.

9. 多休息多喝水 Get a lot of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

10. 早日康復! Get well (soon). Hope you feel better.

The End ()

