2014年9月13日 星期六

影評:No Good Deed (上)(Review: No Good Deed (1))

作者(Author): 莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)
文章分類(Category): 電影育樂(Movie & Entertainment)
程度(Level): 中級(Intermediate)

莫妮卡老師(Miss Monica)為我們介紹一部九月在美國上映的驚悚片(thriller) “No Good Deed”. 我們可以從她的文章裡學習如何敘述一個故事和電影相關的字彙.

This week I saw the suspense thriller "No Good Deed." The title "No Good Deed" is the first half the proverb "No good deed goes unpunished." This expression is meant as a warning: be careful of being too nice or helpful because someone may take advantage of your kindness and betray you. This type of situation is exactly what happens in the movie.  
這個禮拜我看了一部懸疑驚悚片”No Good Deed.” 這個標題”No Good Deed”是這句諺語”No good deed goes unpunished”的前半部分. 這個表達是一個警告的意思: 小心對人太好或太樂於助人, 因為有人可能會利用你的善良然後背叛你. 這種情況就完全是在這部電影裡所發生的.
Colin is a charming murderer who escapes from prison but then crashes his car while driving in the rain one night. He walks to the closest home for help, which belongs to Terry.
Collin 是一個長相姣好的殺人犯, 一夜他從監獄逃出來卻在雨中撞壞了他的車. 他走到最近的房子求救, 那是Terry的家.

To Be Continued 待續

