2014年9月16日 星期二

凱特老師的瘋狂歐洲旅遊(1)( Miss Kate’s Crazy Trip to Europe (1))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): (Advanced) 

凱特老師在學校開學前進行了一次瘋狂的歐洲之旅, 為什麼瘋狂呢?因為凱特老師到了機場還不知道要去哪呢? 凱特老師與她在航空公司工作的好朋友Matt, 在飛機起飛的前一刻展開了這場冒險之旅. 


Trip to Madrid, Florence, Vicenza, Rome, Ferrara, Verona, Bologna and Padua in 11 days!
11天遊遍馬德里, 佛羅倫斯, 維琴察, 羅馬, 費拉拉, 維羅納, 波隆納, 還有帕多瓦!
When my good friend, Matt, gifted me an airline “Buddy Pass” at the time I didn’t know the kind of adventure and spontaneity that would come with it! I had spent a grueling 10 weeks here in Berkeley taking an intensive Latin course that lasted the entire summer. The day after I finished this long, tiring course, I thought to myself “Why not take advantage of the Buddy Pass and add some adventure to life?!” The Buddy Pass is a magical tool in the travel world; with it, you can travel anywhere in the world on standby. In less than an hour, I’d decided I was going to go on a trip to Europe. I didn’t know yet where I wanted to go, how long I was going to stay there, or really what my plan was. I figured that with a passport, a few shirts, comfortable walking shoes, a debit card and a few Euro on hand, I’d at least get through the first few days OK without any real issue.
當我的好朋友Matt送我一張親屬機票, 我並不曉得這樣的冒險會自動隨著來到! 我已經花了累人的十週在柏克萊這裡上拉丁文課, 持續了整個暑假. 完成這又長又累的課程的第二天, 我這樣想為什麼不利用這個親屬機票來增加一些生活中的冒險呢?!” 在旅遊的世界裡, 親屬機票是一個神奇的工具, 有了它你可以去世界各地, 如果你在機場等候. 一小時之內, 我決定要去歐洲. 我不知道要去哪一國, 我要待在那裡多久, 或到底我的計畫是什麼? 我想, 帶著護照, 衣服, 舒適的鞋子, 一張現金卡, 和一些歐元在手上, 我應該可以至少順利度過頭幾日,沒什麼問題的.

 To Be Continued 待續

