凱特老師(Miss Kate)
世界生活(World Life)程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)
second part of my adventures taking advantage of my friend’s airline Buddy Pass
took place in Italy. After my explorations in Seville and Madrid, I took a
flight to Florence, Italy. I’d lived in Florence for about three years so I
knew that seeing some old friends of mine was going to be great! Luckily, there
weren’t too many tourists in Italy since August is the time of year when even
Italians leave Italy and go on an extended vacation, called “ferragosto.” With
the city streets being much less crowded and with more air to breathe, I felt
great being back in Florence.
我利用我朋友的親屬票所進行的冒險之旅的第二部分是發生在義大利. 在我探索了塞維利亞和馬德里之後, 我飛到了義大利的佛羅倫斯. 我曾在佛羅倫斯住過三年所以我想見見老朋友一定會很有趣.
幸運地, 沒有許多遊客在義大利, 因為八月是一年當中義大利人出國去度長假的時候, 這稱作”ferragosto”. 城市的街道沒那麼擁擠, 有更多的空氣可以呼吸, 我感覺很棒回到了佛羅倫斯.
To Be Continued 待續…