文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced)
first day was spent seeing some old Florentine friends and wandering through
old favorite streets where, as a Masters student a few years ago, I’d spent a
lot of time. During the plane ride over to Florence from Madrid, I’d been
thinking of some places I’d never been to before in Italy and where it would be
easy to hop on a train and do day trips on my own from Florence. I decided I
would venture to Bologna, Ferrara, Padova, and Verona, all located in the
Northern part of Italy and all extremely beautiful places.
我花了第一天的時間見些佛羅倫斯的老朋友並且在我最愛的老街流連, 幾年前我還是碩士生的時候花了許多時間在那裡. 在從馬德里來到佛羅倫斯的飛機上, 我一直想著在義大利我未曾去過的某些地方, 還有容易讓我自己一人從佛羅倫斯跳上火車進行一日遊的地方. 我決定要去波隆納, 費拉拉, 帕多瓦, 還有維羅納探險, 它們都位在義大利北部, 也都是極美麗的地方.
To Be Continued 待續…