2014年9月18日 星期四

凱特老師的瘋狂歐洲旅遊(3)( Miss Kate’s Crazy Trip to Europe (3))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced) 

Kate & Matt
Luckily, my friend, Matt, who also had some time off from any obligation or responsibility for four days was in Newark as well and we decided to travel together. By about 7 PM options were: Zurich, Switzerland; Madrid, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; Munich, Germany; or London, England. It worked out really well that not only did my friend speak Spanish but he loves Spanish culture so who better to travel to Spain with than him? We used our Smart phones to book ourselves on the Madrid flight and within a few minutes we had our awaited ticket to Europe. A non-stress, mostly dormant 7-hour plane ride had us landing in Madrid in no time. 

幸運地, 我的朋友Matt也有四天的空檔不用值勤, 他也在紐華克, 我們決定一起旅遊. 在約晚上7點的時候, 有以下的選項: 瑞士蘇黎士, 西班牙馬德里, 西班牙巴塞隆納, 葡萄牙里斯本, 德國慕尼黑, 或英國倫敦. 一切十分順利, 不僅是我朋友會說西班牙文, 同時他也熱愛西班牙文化, 所以誰比他更好同遊西班牙呢? 我們用我們的智慧手機去訂去馬德里的班機, 就在幾分鐘之內我們就有了等候去歐洲的機票. 一個輕鬆而使人安眠的7小時飛行讓我們很快地降落在馬德里.

To Be Continued 待續

