2014年9月20日 星期六

凱特老師的瘋狂歐洲旅遊(5)( Miss Kate’s Crazy Trip to Europe (5))

作者(Author): 凱特老師(Miss Kate)
文章分類(Category): 世界生活(World Life)
程度(Level): 高級(Advanced) 

Piazza Espana - Seville, Spain
Around lunchtime we stumbled upon a very cute, quaint rooftop restaurant with the greatest-tasting sangria I’ve ever had. And thank goodness it’s so easy to fly within Spain since we were able to get a full day in Seville and not have to fly back to Madrid until 9:30 PM that night. The next day, I decided to move onto Italy and continue my impromptu traveling in a country I know and love very much. My friend, Matt, returned home to the States to work for four more days but the next week, when he was given another 4 days off, we decided we’d meet in Rome and continue our European adventures part 2!
大約中午的時候我們偶然發現一個非常可愛有典雅屋頂的餐廳, 有我喝過最好喝的血紅雞尾酒. 感謝一切的美好, 在西班牙國內坐飛機很容易, 因而我們能在塞維利亞待一整天而在晚上九點半飛回馬德里. 接下來一天, 我決定前去義大利並在我所知道也非常喜愛的地方繼續我的即興旅行. 我朋友Matt返回美國工作四天, 但是下個禮拜當他得到另外四天假的時候, 我們決定要在羅馬碰頭並且繼續我們的第二階段歐洲冒險.

The End ()

